Thank you so much for checking out my blog! I look forward to updating you on everything that goes on here in El Salvador. I'm excited to see how the Lord will work in me and through me while serving out this calling. Thank you to everyone who has played a role in this process, I am truly blessed! I pray you will be encouraged by what you see and hear through my journey! God bless :)

Monday, August 27, 2012

One week here's been about a week since I have made my return to El Salvador and all has been super well! I praise the Lord for allowing me to pick right back up where I left off with relationships and ministry. What a blessing to once again serve these precious children through English classes. I was so excited to hear that the missionaries who were here when I left had modified our lessons by basing them around Bible Stories!!!
Can I get a Hallelujah!?? Amen to the ability and freedom to teach English words and phrases which are circled around the Bible! I am loving this and can't wait to continue teaching in this area. I still pray and desire to share the Gospel with these wonderful kids....please continue praying for this. Pray for opportunities to be there, doors opened (and closed), hearts ready, words spoken, and the Spirit moving!!!!

Thursday we celebrated the birthday one of our missionaries..Guillermo. It was a great time with GREAT food and GREAT people! Loved every bit of it!

We were privileged to feed the homeless around San Salvador this past Saturday. It's my prayer that those on the streets not only get filled up physically with a meal that night...but also spiritually they become full of the LORD!

I love you all so very much and continue to rely and appreciate all of your prayers!!
What a blessing and privilege to be where I am!


Monday, August 20, 2012

Here in El Salvador!!

Hello everyone!
Just wanted to let you all know that I am and El Salvador. If you hadn't heard, my flight out on Saturday was cancelled due to mechanical problems so I didn't get here until Sunday. But everything is all good and I finally made it.

It's been so good to see all the local missionaries and kids from the English classes and Soccer School. They made me feel so special by hugging me forever and saying how much they missed me. I certainly felt like one of the most important people in the world. I'm really really excited to continue loving and serving these AMAZING people...and most importantly to share with them the truth about God's saving grace and how they can live with Christ in their own hearts.

Thank you so much, again, for your prayers! Keep 'em coming :)


Saturday, August 18, 2012

Today is the day...

It's finally here...time to go back to El Salvador. Looking back now from when I first got back from El Salv, I can see that this truly is God's perfect timing right now to return. As I have no obligations as far as school or work...and knowing what the future may hold (med school?) really is the best time to return. I am looking forward to so many different things and can't wait to share them with you!

One of the biggest things on my heart as I return is being much more intentional with the people down there about there souls. It's so important to meet someone's need physically...but so much more so spiritually. I truly love and care for so many of the lives that I was blessed to meet...and I care enough to truly want them to be transformed by God's perfect love, and know that they are forgiven by His powerful grace. Would you please join me in prayer that their hearts may be open to hear this wonderful truth...and that they may understand it and accept it as their own hearts desire.

I also ask for your prayers on being covered by the Lord's protection as I travel and live down in El Salvador. Thank you again for partnering in this journey with me. You've impacted more than just me!

With much love,
Lauren :)