Thank you so much for checking out my blog! I look forward to updating you on everything that goes on here in El Salvador. I'm excited to see how the Lord will work in me and through me while serving out this calling. Thank you to everyone who has played a role in this process, I am truly blessed! I pray you will be encouraged by what you see and hear through my journey! God bless :)

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Praises and Prayer Requests

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog! I wanted to share with whomever is reading the most recent Praises and Prayer Requests that I have to share.

I am truly in awe and appreciation as God has enabled me to pay off my student loan!! I shared with you all in my last post that I felt God leading me to pay off my student loan last year....and with His amazing grace and power, I have officially paid off my entire student loan in ONE YEAR!!!! It is a HUGE blessing to now be debt free and know that this is one more step in getting closer to serving overseas. I just want to Praise and thank the Lord for helping me to accomplish this. It is God's money to begin with and I am very blessed.

One the topic of finances...I am also humbled by seeing those who have made the commitment to invest in my ministry in El Salvador. People have been faithful in prayer and also generous in giving of their money. Within that there is also a big prayer request that I ask of you all. While God has been slowly providing through others financial support, I am still in much need of meeting by goal by September. The greatest need I have is for monthly supporters. At the moment, I am at 7% of my total goal for monthly support; this is what will allow me to live and eat every month. I humbly ask you to join in prayer by asking God to move peoples hearts and provide in a BIG way so that this journey is possible. I want to thank all of you who have already pledged to support me, and ask those who have not to prayerfully consider giving to my ministry and maybe even sharing or allowing me to connect with someone who may be interested as well.

Currently I am towards the end of the season as I coach middle school track here in my home town, and I am having a blast! It's so great to give back and inspire these kids to be the best they can be in the sport that I love and God blessed me so much with!!

I look forward to updating you all again soon! 

With much gratitude,
Lauren :)