Thank you so much for checking out my blog! I look forward to updating you on everything that goes on here in El Salvador. I'm excited to see how the Lord will work in me and through me while serving out this calling. Thank you to everyone who has played a role in this process, I am truly blessed! I pray you will be encouraged by what you see and hear through my journey! God bless :)

Friday, August 30, 2013

Last day...for now

So today is my last full day in El Salvador before I head back to Ohio. It's been an incredible time here, as I knew it would be, and definitely went by way to fast (always does). I will admit, I'm very sad to be leaving, but I feel in my heart that I will be back again.

I'd like to share a quick story with you all about something that God did about a week ago. I was sitting on a bus with a few others as we were headed to the zoo. Down here in El Salvador public transportation is very common and often times people jump on the bus to sell a variety of items such as food or candy. As usual, a man got on the bus and was selling individually wrapped pieces of candy from a bag. I usually don't pay much attention to these people since I never buy anything from them and they are so frequent to come on the bus. But, for some reason I took a deep look at this man selling candy and that's when God totally intervened and opened my eyes. Just one look at this man's face and I felt like I had experienced and gone through all the sadness and difficult situations in his life. It's extremely hard to explain but I feel that God allowed me to feel this man's pain and sadness. We gave the man a handful of change and as soon as he went past us I couldn't help but cry for this man. Never have I felt so much compassion for a person without even saying a word to him or knowing who he was. This is just one of the MANY people here in El Salvador who resort to spending their entire day jumping from bus to bus or walking up and down the streets, hoping that someone will buy what they have in order to eat or provide for a family.

I'm grateful that God allowed me to experience this so that I can truly have compassion and love for people who live a life that can be very difficult. I pray for people all over the world who are literally trying to make it to the next day. I pray that our eyes may be opened to all that we have, be grateful for it, but also be moved to make a difference in the lives of others.

Please also pray for my transition back tomorrow as I leave El Salvador and re-enter life in the States. I'm happy to return to the many people I love back at home, but down here is just as much home to me and also filled with people I I just ask for God's grace and love to cover me through this process. I thank you all for being on this journey with me, but I know that the journey does not end fact, it's just the beginning of what God has planned.

With much love,

Friday, August 16, 2013


I think it's about that time to give you all an update on how things are going here. As far as ministry goes, I've been able to help out in both the English classes and also in the soccer school. I will say, English classes are a bit different than when I was here the last time teaching classes. The current teacher is a local, which is so good because the kids get a consistent face and it's guaranteed that there will always be someone there, as opposed to missionaries who come and go and may not be down here all throughout the year. However, the style of teaching has lacked a bit of fun and a dynamic aspect. But we are putting our talents together to not only learn but also have fun WHILE learning! Today the kids take their final exams to see if they pass or not, so the next 2 weeks we will run a type of workshop to practice more conversing and throw some fun in there before the "official" cycle begins again in September. Please be praying that not only will the kids gain more knowledge to speak and understand English, but also that the presence of God fills up that room for each and every class.

For our soccer school, we have seen a huge growth in the number of kids who attend..which is so wonderful, but there are only so many coaches to be there. Please be in prayer for God to pour many more resources into the school to keep it thriving and a place where sport and God collide!

I typically don't share much personal details via the Internet, but God has been extremely kind to me for also allowing time to spend with Jonathan. This time together was much needed and I'm grateful that God is taking full control of our relationship. I love being able to see him serve in the gifts he's been blessed with and also work alongside him. We always are open to your prayers for our journey together :)

Below are a few pictures: The first is of me teaching Erik, who is our main singer for church, one of the few songs I know on guitar. The next is Kayla, the wife of coach Julio, and their precious son who I always say that I'm going to take home with me. And the final photo is of Jonathan coaching the Level 3 kids on Saturday.

Lauren :)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

I'm here in El Salvador

If you haven't already seen from my facebook page, I am in El Salvador and all safe & sound. I arrived Sunday afternoon and was welcomed by two great friends, who took me out to eat my favorite type of pupusa before heading straight to the church. Part of this week has been holiday for the people down here so  the church we work in has been putting on different activities for the community.

A team from Texas held a music clinic on Monday and then a Children's event on Tuesday. Both events were so great and I feel like all involved walked away with a smile and had a good time. For me it's been a big blessing and joy to see familiar faces of friends, some of who are really like family. I feel like I'm back in my second home. I don't know why I seem to forget it at times, but the people I know here are just such beautiful people. I have received the most welcoming hugs, kisses, smiles, and greetings from every person here.  It's really good to be back!

For the most part I will be plugged into the similar ministries that I was the last time. I'll be helping with English classes and also a little bit more with the Soccer ministry. Please be praying that God uses me effectively and not just to "fill in", but to really make an impact for HIM. I came here trying to have no expectations or the attitude of  "I've already been here and have it figured out." I absolutely do not want to have that mindset, but rather have an open heart to serve in some capacity, whether small or large, and be obedient to what Jesus is saying to me.

Thank you all for your concern, prayers, and support in this journey. God has given me SO MUCH JOY through you! I pray you are encouraged and filled with joy as well! :)

Enjoy some of the pictures!


Sunday, August 4, 2013

Today is the day...

I am officially checked in and ready to board for El Salvador! This process has been such a great and even different experience thus far from my other trips already. God has been very generous to me by raising all the support in the perfect timing and through people who I never personally asked to consider supporting. I am beyond grateful to all those who've help this trip be another possibility.

I have been working full time since April and think its amazing that my work has allowed me to take off the whole month and resume as normal when I return. It has been so busy and hasn't really been able to even think of leaving but now that it's here I feel a little overwhelmed but at the same time excited and ready to serve. In the past I've been helping mostly with teaching Englih classes, but this time I think I'll be Doing a few other things to serve. I don't know exactly what I'll be doing but am excited to see in what ways I can serve.

It's time to board...I appreciate and welcome any and every type of prayers you all have!! :)
