Thank you so much for checking out my blog! I look forward to updating you on everything that goes on here in El Salvador. I'm excited to see how the Lord will work in me and through me while serving out this calling. Thank you to everyone who has played a role in this process, I am truly blessed! I pray you will be encouraged by what you see and hear through my journey! God bless :)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Busy week!

So, I know it's been a while since I last wrote but it has been a long yet wonderful week. This week we had a team come in from Roberts Wesleyan, New York. Our schedule was very busy and we did quite a bit. Thursday and Friday we traveled to remote communities on an island and in the mountains. Neither get visitors very often so the people were so excited to have us. We put on children's VBS programs and played soccer in the afternoons. At the beginning of the week we helped out with the other teams soccer clinics and did community service projects like painting and picking up trash. It really was great to work alongside 13 other believers...all here for one purpose. They added a lot of laughter to the week and it was a pleasure to have them here with us. I think I learned a bit this week on how to be a servant, even when I don't feel like it. Lots of times...ok all the was hot, we were sweaty and cramped, and some didn't even feel good...but it was good to know that God still provides the strength to serve Him and carry on with His work. I praise Him for that! Here are some pictures from this week! Enjoy! I love you all so so much :)

Dios le bendiga!


  1. We are loving your updates! Thanks for taking time to write and post pictures. We are praying for you and know how lucky all those kids are to have you!!

  2. Lauren,

    Blog is looking excellent. Looks like El Salvador is treating you well!

    Larry Jarrett

  3. Great to hear how God is working. He is so HUGE and GOOD! He has to be to have two Buckeyes teaching English. Well, I suppose that is better than two West Virginians (lol). Praying God will continue to give you opportunities to invest in the lives of those people and that through you and your group, many will come to faith in our Beautiful Savior Jesus!
